
I thought they were finally making my favorite book into a movie:

I won't go to the theater to see this movie for the same reason I didn't go to a theater to see his other films, though I am a die hard fan. His movies are great for home viewing, but don't inspire the masses to get off their sofas and buy tickets. We want explosions, action and/or nudity on the big, big screen.

I think a couple of you are confusing "sound proof" with "light proof". I've never seen any other mention that the rooms are sound proofed. To better understand the dialogue, I watch with my closed captioning on (it's like reading the script). The scene where Jessica gets up, looks at the room service menu and

I agree with Todd. Jeanine is the only dancer who has persuaded me to pull my thumb from my butt and use it to dial her 888 number. Repeatedly.

The Season 4 dances were so well performed because they recently finished their 40 city tour. They'd better still know the routines well after performing them 40 times!

Spit my coffee
At the line, "he's knee deep in GRATEFUL pussy".

After Wednesday's addiction routine, I named my bong "Kupono". Now I just need to find a ridiculous necklace and "To Do" checklist for it…

I second your desire to see Torchwood covered here.

They'll start criticizing everything again in the auditions and Vegas week of next season. Mary said that this was one of "the closest competitions" in SYTYCD history…all of them are really amazing dancers and the judges can really only comment on if the choreography made them feel something.

Seriously, who did Fergie take her teeth out and blow over at Fox to get that much play of the BEP's new song? First they performed it on the finale of AI and now they use it TWICE (once for a hip routine and once remixed for the group) in one week?! I'm surprised the group didn't have a moment where they hit a pose

I would like see Tiffany return to do Thriller with the two stoned Hobgoblin brothers. I'd be totally freaked out!

Seeing all the girls scream like that made me appreciate the Jonas Brothers episode of South Park even more. "I just saw Adam Lambert and now my giney tickles!"

I think Paula must have been relieved to see Noah perform because she can actually sing better than him and he's probably on more medication.

David Cook will get AIDS
But only because with his look and sound he is DESTINED to forevermore play Roger in Rent.