AC Flames

You live in a town where the only cinematic choices you have are "Transformers 2" and "Away We Go"?

I just think they should have made them smaller as robots or whatever, so it would make more sense. Bumblebee is humongous but he turns into a little sports car. I usually don't pay attention to these movies but even I had to say "whuh." But now I know about the pocket dimension, and while I may not understand that,

On what planet is Sunny Day Real Estate a "larger" band? It's just a band that other bands ripped off. But they never sold any records or had a meaningful impact in any normal person's life.

I don't know see how it's possible…
…for huge robots to transform into much smaller automobiles. Where does all the extra matter go?

Bands frequently play on weeknights.

"I was on my break."

He was also good in "Kiss of Death."

He did sell a shitload, but I wonder how that marketing scheme even worked. How many formulas that start with "zero quality" are really going to work? A lot of it had to be luck - right place, right time.

I have fond memories of the Death Row logo. But there's no way this will work; instead of pushing scotched records by second-tier artists that average listeners never cared about in the first place, they should build a new roster from scratch. And it should only be truly heartless, scary stuff.

Where to start - Goosebumps or Fear Street?

Noel Murray…
…is the king.

The main problem was that Tony refused to kill Christopher until Season 6. He shoulda been taken care of at the end of Season 4, after the ridiculous(ly awesome) intervention. Drug stories are, by their nature, very boring after a few spins. Beyond that the show ran out of fuel because it kept taking tertiary-at-best

What about…
…the Sopranos?

Why don't bands have bass players anymore?

i think you mean "taken too."

I re-listened to a bunch of Bruce records last night in preparation for this new one, and I have to say I was kinda of dismayed by The River. It starts strong and has a lot of great standalone moments, but taken from start to finish, it just repeats itself. It's definitely not a Darkness or a Nebraska.

My vote is for "surprisingly cool guy."

I'll give him my vote as well, even though I've never really cared about Travis. He seems like a swell guy.

The Michael Cera interview was funny. When he said he might buy a shredder just so he could destroy the script, I think that was intended as a joke.

David Wolinsky
just called me a mouth breather.