Matthew John

Can I say that I don't understand the comment on Graceland? It's been doing fine in ratings - very very steady and consistant for a new show, we might say.  And thus far it shows no sign of taking a dive whatsoever. So where's that comment coming from? To me it seems that it's just the reviewer hating the show and has

I'm fairly disappointed at how they wasted TWO chances of getting Mike shirtless: opening scene with him lying on the bed, face down; and the beach football scene. What?

The contrast makes very very little sense - Whistler is Charlie's C.I., a person she worked with for a long time and apparently they have developed a very good relationship. Eddie and Mike? Eddie is a criminal the FBI has been trying to take down. They barely know each other. Eddie pointed a gun at Mike, three times,

In fact, according to actors' interviews, in this season, Johnny is the one who always take up the the "supporting role" — he doesn't even get his own case in this season, he's always helping out (as the actor, Manny Montana said).

Since I can't reply to your previous comment, I think I'll just reply here.

It's refreshing to see comments that actually have some logic. I admit gender is always a tricky and controversial topic, but it's still disappointing to see the lack of common sense and logic in related discussions.

"but if the best they can do with the women is to make them caretakers
and matchmakers, then bring Lauren back and giver her more than one note
to play."

"It's useless even as a recap."

It's actually 4 guys to 2 women. And 4 FBIs to 1 DEA and 1 Customs. I think the number doesn't necessarily define what the male/female dynamic at Graceland would be. Just think of a random family, or a co-ed college dorm. Unless you need to pair all the people up, otherwise "same number" doesn't seem a requirement for

I'm not going to argue with your opinion about Aaron Tveit having certain stereotyped appearances — it's too much of a personal opinion thing to discuss. My 11-year-old niece and her friend obviously firmly believe he has the iconic "French student revolutionary" look. *Shrug*

I think it's funny how all these reviewers' opinions differ from each other so dramatically — but I guess it's silly to expect any "objectivity" from tv reviews anyway.  I saw a few other reviewers saying this is their favorite episode so far. And I think I'm with them. One review is interesting in particular is the

"Mike continues to be the problem for me since the actor is like the
picture they would use in the dictionary for the word "douche"."