It's not Semen, it's Sea-Man!
I'll break YOUR ground
I see a lot of reviewers these days faulting albums/artists for not doing anything musically groundbreaking (I thing the AV review for The New Pornographer's Together" said the same thing). So fucking what? Shouldn't you review an album on its own merits, not as it compares to others? Even if…
Considering they have TWO songs with "fall" in the title, why NOT a Swell Season concert?
Great movie, but…
too complicated. I couldn't FOLLOW it!
I pity the reviewer…
Who sounds smugger than the actors apparently are. This is a really terrible review.
Why this article sucks
I knew this article would be a slobbering fellating of Tarantino, but it's so wrongheaded that I just gotta comment.
I'm writing this comment quickly, before SACGEN conks out and leaves me in the dark.
I don't want FOP, godammit! I'm a Dapper Dan man!
Must have been an uninspired pitch meeting
What an incredibly stupid article. It's really "Why somebody else's fictional characters are wrong, according to people who want to rant about music." As a much wiser man than you guys said, "there's no accounting for taste." I'm a 30-year-old Canadian guy, but I love old…
Wait 'til Biggus Dickus hears of this!
The "Apatow School"?
Really? That's giving that one-note douchebag way too much credit and makes the AV club sound pretentious. "Possibly fat awkward man-child finds grows up and finds love, but only after numerous sex jokes" is not a "school." It's one movie. Except Apatow has made it into several movies. He's the…
That BLACK girl at the end of "Black or White" has nice big boobies. They make me happy.
Sorta. The team only has one black guy though, and there's no distrust on the team.
"His actual favorite movies were probably all Kung-Fu and porno. "
I look forward to not paying for this
I still like this cunt's work, but when he decided to boycott Canada, I decided to boycott paying for his stuff. Preachy, ignorant cunt.
bfred, try not taking Moore at his word on anything before running YOUR fucking mouth. Heston went to Denver, not Columbine, and that meeting had already been scheduled for years in advance. The NRA was legally obligated to hold that meeting. And no, I'm not a conservative gun freak, just someone who knows that Moore…
Wrong wriadicl!
He's not from Flint!
Ah, I was wondering how long it would take after the first Ontario reference for someone to make a dumb comment how it (or Toronto) being the center of the universe.