
Man, it confused the hell out of me when I read it as a 10 year old boy.

He's got a lot of pizza jokes — er rants about pizza.

I had no idea about humanity or kindling or backstabing or a million other things. You just kind of figure it out as you go along. I was always afraid of Dark Souls but I started playing it about two weeks ago. I'm 50+ hours in now and I love it but I will not be playing this weekend because I threw my controller like

You bros need to cool out.

We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives.

Why are you guys watching this shit? Go do something else.

Like a creature

Just look at that asshole.

I know this is a trivial and obnoxious gripe but variations of "so this is a thing now" are all over the Internet and it annoys me.

And second is that video with the footage from Hardcore spliced in with the trailer for Jack & Jill.

Gasp! Jewey McJew Jew.

Spike Jonze is very connected to the skateboarding world, hence his affiliation with Jackass. Skate videos were the some of the first things he ever made. And hell, he's still doing them. He directed much of the Girl Skateboards (a company of which he is co-owner) video 'Pretty Sweet' in 2012. That Spike has got his

It's that little bitty ting. It's not the same.

I saw them in San Diego last year and they paused for a "please welcome back Ali."

White Lung. I like Savages and Screaming Females fine but White Lung kicks both of their asses. Angry girl rock doesn't get much better than their 2012 album "Sorry."

The presence of "the watchful scary beefy guy" reminded me a lot of the last scene of The Sopranos.

I REALLY like that the album opens with a featured verse. Overall, I think the album has a few too many crummy guest spots (Domo on 20 Wave Caps seriously sucks — mostly because it's 08 2013 and we need to all STFU about the world ending in 2012 already) but the first one, on the first track, I love. We've been

It's Freddy Mercury.

@avclub-f7f8eb12e0f61a9321597157c0d61791:disqus The bilboard.

Paul makes jokes to lighten the mood. Sometimes they fall flat or seem inappropriate but regular listeners know he means no harm. MIHH is a judgement free zone — any judgements there are are always made in jest.