Leonard Smalls

Lighten up, Francis.

"I thought it interesting that the Ricky got so damned jealous, essentially. He killed his niece over banging the neighbor."

Actually, Sting has lost all cred with me by screwing with "Don't Stand So Close To Me." And for the abomination that is his upbeat solo version of "Every Breath You Take" on "All This Time." Say what you will about Pete Townshend, he never released a swing cover of "Baby O'Riley…"

There was no way that the prequels were not going to make a big steaming pile of money, but fans hated them from the beginning. Fish Asians, Aquatic Rastas, Flying Jews, Immaculate Conceptions… But even before the fanboys went crazy, the critics were lukewarm- 57%/67%/80% on RT, vs 93%/96%/79% for the first trilogy.

Bakshi Smakshi. When is someone going to make a live action version of "Korgoth of Barbaria"?

Forks is "Winter's Bone" with pointy mountains instead of rolling ones. Don't go there folks. They don't want you there, you won't want to be there after about ten minutes. All "Twilight" has done is allow a few restaurants and B&B's with terrible business plans to last an extra six months before changing owners.

Who keeps putting Jennifer Aniston in movies? She was fine in "Office Space," but otherwise seems the quintessential "good enough for TV, but not good enough for film" sort of actor.

I would normally see this film, because I'm a sucker for Sci-Fi. But two years ago I made the mistake of seeing William Eubank's film "Love" at the Seattle International Film Festival, because I'm a big Angels & Airwaves fan, and the movie was such a colossal waste of time and celluloid that it damaged me spiritually

My niece has a certain… zest for living.

Voix, is it rude and condescending of me to point out that you are expecting respect and consideration from a guy who's last name is "Jizzmopper?"