Betty vs Veronica

With all the licking, the Seer's palm has either got to be the cleanest or the most disgusting thing in ancient Scandinavia.

Kudos to Skarsgard for consistently stealing every scene he is in, but a bigger thumbs up to the writers for having the restraint not to overuse him.

Welcome to Introduction to Western Art I. Your profession will be Fra. Althesthan (adjunct faculty) with guest lectures by Ecbert, King of Wessex. Failures to finalize registration by the drop/add date may result in crucifixion.

I LOVED the scene with Hoyt beating the crap out of Jason.  From Jason's Bayou Stuart Smalley routine in his rearview mirror, to misunderstanding what Hoyt meant when he asked Jason "How" such a thing could happen, to Hoyt punching him mercilessly while laying the apt & withering judgment to Jason that "Aint nothing

Even if they bring her back, considering the good job HBO and True Blood did keeping Lafayette's status a mystery going into Season 2, I don't think you'll see her in the promos.

I'm also interested in the Terry's past storyline, especially if that gets Scott Foley down to an Acide-level of nudity.

From a viewer-enjoyment standpoint: I doubt anyone is complaining about the  absence of werepanthers.

I think a character's annoying attributes increase when they have no real value to the main plot.

Part of the problem is that True Blood has gone so balls-out on so many sex or violence scenes, it's hard to top them. And after leaning on thrills as a crutch for so long, the writers have dropped the ball in other areas.

Although dumb decisions by all characters are the syrup holding the True Blood waffle together, the shifters make hands-down the dumbest decisions on the show.

I'm holding out hope that was NOT the returning villain.  (We've still got one more to go - we could see Rev. Steve Newlin or someone else, yet!)

My favorite PTSDish Terry moment is still from Season 1 where he cracks a pool cue in half and charges at one of the tacky vampires yelling, "Jihad THIS motherfucker!"

"I never quite know on TB whether the writers are doing something by design"  - that's really the problem isn't it?  I still like the show and defend it, but I too wonder whether there is an overall plan that makes sense.  I didn't catch up with "Six Feet Under" until  dvd, so I have to ask: is viewer insecurity about

I really, really, really want to believe the panthers are gone.  Somehow I just don't think we are going to get off that easy.

As much as I really wanted Tommy gone, it does seem like they squandered the opportunity to do something interesting with the character.  The skinwalking as Maxine was hysterical, and the 1st time he skinwalked as Sam and told Sookie off was great.  They could have turned him into an all-purpose trickster character

They could have just dropped in a card after the scene w/ Alcide driving Tommy home a la  "Note: Poochie died on his way back to his home planet." and I would have been satisfied.