Twin Cities Trash Bin

Yes.  He does.

See this band.

I don't know what was so boring about the show I saw.  It was at this theatre so the whole vibe was sort of "sit down and quietly nod" and then the band just never seemed to hit their groove.  It was always like, "here's another song".

They're coming to town and I'm curious as to whether it will translate well live.  I saw Sunset Rubdown and thought they were sweet but Wolf Parade seemed, like, stiff.

I believe the answer is sort of.  One of the principals broke off to form Ramona Falls (a band that you should really check out as they're awesome too) but Menomena continues on.  When I saw them perform it was just the two original members and it was still amazing.  I guess I'm not 100% that they're still recording

I would literally plotz if Ramona Falls AND Menomena dropped records.  And toured.  Cause I say Menomena last year and it was fucking awesome.  

I have a strong vote for Craig Finn's solo record.  Certainly not "#1" but a strong "Top 10" effort.

Honky gramma be trippin!

My first and third tattoos were both pop-culture inspired.  First the cover illustration of The Te of Piglet and book that (rather clichedly perhaps) really help to shape my worldview when was a "troubled" teenager.  
Third is the Stay Positive logo from The Hold Steady album of the same name right smack on my forearm. 

I am interested, well, sort of, in a Holden Caulfield but don't want to sign up for a tumblr account just to do it.

Well the short version is much the same as the above and centers around the challenge/failure of presenting a narrative that hinges so strongly on a first person perspective that then translates (poorly) to a third person-type perspective of a film.  Without all the inner monologues of Alex I find him to be a much

For what it's worth I was not trolling merely expressing my opinions on a novel that I feel strongly about and that in my hyperbolic opinion was done a great disservice in the translation to screen.  When you consider that the entire novel is shaded by such a brilliant narrative voice, a narrative voice that stamps

While on its own merits maybe a decent film, as an adaptation, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is an epic failure.  Taking one of thm most interesting narrators and reducing him to scenery and making McMurphy way less of a Christ Cowboy makes the whole film way less interesting than the novel.


Well, it was, like, 17 years ago…
Also, oddly enough, while trying to "research" this, I found a ton of references to Trumbo's "lack of punctuation" but all the online copies are clearly punctuated.  Unless periods don't count.
I guess all I can say is that, at the tender age of 14, this might have been the first


Help me out: I have a DISTINCT memory of reading Johnny Got His Gun in high school and it had no capital letters or punctuation; no "structure" to the narrative.  And I remember thinking that, for a guy with no "structure" himself that this made beautiful sense.
I cannot find any validation for this memory.  
Can anyone