Twin Cities Trash Bin

On that note, the quote from the review above is missing the key word "rolling".

Sweet Jesus, yes, that was a downer.

Actually defense was one of the few things that his game had going for it. Yeah both teams shot for shit but part of that shit shooting came from intense defense and a lot of blocked shots. After you get blocked two or three times, you tend to adjust your shots, think too much and, ultimately, miss shots.
Oh, and I

@Sheltie: the book is placed both in Appalachia (where katniss is born/raised) and the rockies (where the actual games take place).

Here's the truth: this used to be an engaging show with characters that felt real and situations that could (sort of) happen. Now it's just a collection of crap that feels way too forced. I mean, the whole "everyone has gaps" line by Robin was so forced and stupid and "set up" that I almost puked.
Ad then the whole,

I would say it's just a random bat-shit style pushing Pam way out there kind of idea. Like the pool balls. Or the one episode she was a Rastafarian.
There have been shows that just kick the piss out of a character (Zoidberg jumps to mind) but Pam seems to be the first character that kicks the piss out of herself.

I LOVED how the "Yes I do!" sounded. A nice addition to her "Yup!"

"That guy is horrible, is the main bullet point of this presentation."

I've actually coined a new word: drunkover.
It's pretty self-explanatory.

Say what you will about the tenets of national socialism, dude, at least it's an ethos.

Please settle a bet:
in the scene where walter and the dude are discussing the phone call that will initiate the transaction and walter's all like, "but what if it's during league play" and donny's all like "what's during league play" and then walter says, "life does not start and stop at your convenience you miserable

Wait, I'm talking about the revolution against capitalism that Karl Marx predicted/prophesied in which the lower/middle classes pretty much redistribute wealth…I don't know about Holland 17th century.

From what I remember about grad school (yeah, I went to grad school), if the glorious Marxist revolution happens, there will be no more rich people.

@bastard: try digging past the musical additions and listen for the soul of beam's lyrics and singing. i would argue that they're still present and, maybe, more pronounced when displayed in the midst of more fully fleshed out instrumentations.
Also, see Godless Brother in Love, Tree by the River and Walking Far From

Think twice
No, it's not a dude and a guitar and a mic but, at the heart, isn't Iron and Wine about more than aesthetics? If you're only drawn to Beam for a lo-fi sound, you're ignoring what I feel is the heart of his sound: intricate melodies/harmonies, beautiful lyrics, and stunning delivery. While I agree that

Incredibly terrible. I totally agree with the bombshell cutting at knees summary.

wait, which graphic novel you talking about? i seem to recall parts of IV being done in the Marvel series but, obviously, not the whole story, just the "highlights" of the story of Susan et. al.

Drawing of the Three, please?
What discrepancies are in Drawing of the Three?
I have read those books, like, a ton but can't immediately bring any examples to mind.
Not to shang-hai the thread but…

Word. I totally forgot Local Natives.
As for Fleet Foxes, I'm unsure if I want them to do more of the same or take a risk…
And, while Boys is a solid disk, it is a clear third place in my book.

Oh yeah, oh yeah, Fang Island is the most enthusiastically awesome album of the year. I figure it won't last in my rotation past summer but it will be played LOUD all summer.