Twin Cities Trash Bin

On one small note, Morgan shooting one of Hearst's men does allow one of Hearst's men to get shot. That, in and of itself, isn't too bad a reason for a character.
On the whole, though, it did feel like a stretch.

I didn't think that Amanda "commandeered" the sea bass so much as had it thrust upon her by Suzanne.
Also, there are some typos above, for the record.

Sad Reality?
I have to consider that, despite the competition itself and any shortcomings of "team" that are evident, Ramsey is pretty much putting his name behind the idea that whoever wins will run a restaurant. That being said, Suzanne's lack of "team spirit" kind of goes away when one considers that, for all his

Van: "It tastes creamy…plain yogurt?"
Am I the only one (chef or non-chef alike) that has eaten more than his share of raw cream cheese?

Point of odor
"Robert and Van proceed to yell "I know you are but what am I?" at each other for a few minutes while Ramsay stares mutely at them."

"…some blend of Ray's ability to read people and his penis…"

Can I Get a Map?
"He regularly misreads Tanya, and tonight, he prompts a conflict between Jessica and Ronnie when he asks just why Ronnie thinks Jessica left Ray to be with Ronnie in what seems to be a mostly honest attempt to figure out how to fix the Jemma situation."

But Adams is also seriously upset (not quite in the manner of Dan but close) when he is left out of one of Al's schemes. I forget which episode this's in but it's there.
I would be interested to go back and watch the first introduction of Hawkeye and Al. It might just be that, in Al's estimation of people, he pegs

Quotes: True Colors
Trixie: My God, look at Wu. Lost his mind in San Francisco.
Al: You think he married the n*gger?
Trixie: I'm talking about his suit.

Quotes: Full Faith and Credit
Dan: Mornin'! Best time of day to go fuck yourself!