Soylent Heliotrope

I'm gonna be a bigger dick and assert that no way was that sentence in this article when I read it last night. The specific sentence I was complaining about has definitely been edited to be actually factually accurate though. Thumbs up AVClub.

THERE IS A FACTUAL ERROR IN THIS ARTICLE. "Get the Balance Right!" was the first post-Frame single and predates this one by half a year or so.

The AV Club apparently ran out of celebrities to impersonate for gimmick posting. Now we just pretend to be our fellow AV Clubbers.

AV Club commenters never fail to amaze me with their proclivity for shitting on feminism when talking about utterly unrelated subjects.

Maybe if you can get PB&J to headline it.

FYI this is a really ineffective gimmick because Danny Elfman, while insanely talented, has never ever been good looking. At all.

I'd argue that it's their post-Flood 90s work that was frustratingly mediocre. I can't even remember what a good two-thirds of the songs on John Henry even sound like. Mink Car and all their adult albums since have been pretty good in comparison (although nothing compares to the excellent first two albums).

Good thing it's not on this list, eh?

I've been lurking for a couple years, but being able to filter out all the shows I don't care about has pushed me over the edge. Consider this guy registered.