
I don't understand the negativity towards nina. I have found myself nodding along and agreeing with her all season when it comes to her thoughts about patricia. And i have been frustrated with how Heidi championed her the whole time. There were several looks that Patricia produced throughout the run that were a hot

I was really growing to like Lisa more over these past few episodes and am a bit disheartened that she voted with Tandang even after abi was such a bitch to her at tribal and at camp.
I loved when Abi asked Lisa at tribal if she had treated her with grace…. I'm not sure Abi has a graceful bone in her body!

I was really growing to like Lisa more over these past few episodes and am a bit disheartened that she voted with Tandang even after abi was such a bitch to her at tribal and at camp.
I loved when Abi asked Lisa at tribal if she had treated her with grace…. I'm not sure Abi has a graceful bone in her body!