A Harvard Professor

Hey, you live in Detroit? My friend Mike lives there? Do you know Mike? He lives in Detroit, same as you.

I haven't been this mad since Chris Hansen walked into the kitchen and asked me to take a seat, to take a seat right there.

@JCrowemancer, I'll be noting your "insolence" in my "report".

And now for the "nobody cares" comment of the thread: Their bassist was a childhood friend of mine and is a very nice, very talented guy. When not making music, he writes and directs plays.
I'm so glad to see a positive review here.

You missed an excellent opportunity for a firstie.

I think the only logical move for NBC is to have Conan take over for Chris Hansen as host of "To Catch a Predator". That is a show I would watch 24 hours a day.

Poehler is certainly not hot. I will concede a little bit on Hooks though.

SNL's been hiring the hotties
What's the deal with all the young, hot female cast members these days. It used to be quirky, silly looking women like Amy Poehler, Gilda Radner, Jan Rooks, etc.

Pop quiz, hotshots: Jesus is holding an uzi to your daughter's head and asks her to deny the existence of Jesus. What do you do?

If I survive the end of the world with one of my smokin' hot grad students, we're obviously going to need to repopulate the earth.


@ Doctor D-Bag:

News flash, crackers: the only people who adhere to political correctness, debate political correctness, and police others on political correctness, are young liberal white people and Al Sharpton. No one else gives a crap.

So does me on an internet site with high school kids.

Swagger's not dead. We've got in spades!

And I was giving you yogurt.

TCB, why?

The goofy kid . . .
His name was Me? Unusual name, and most likely Asian.

Cancer comedies!
I loves me a good cancer comedy. Also a good child abuse comedy.

And all my peers chastised me for spending my research grant money at the strip club. I was obviously there supporting the arts and financing creative entrepreneurs.