

As the late Nate Dogg would have put it (on a Tupac record nonetheless),

Who's lined up for the Hollywood remake?

Just to be pedantic
But I'm pretty sure that it was actually her friend that was using the phone. I mean, the sheer physics of being able to bend over that far and have your mouth close enough to be able to by audibly heard up one's own fun passage discounts all except the most flexible of women from being able to do

Correct me if I'm wrong…
…But Mickey Rourke didn't actually win that Academy Award in the end, did he?

What next?
Having dinner with the President?

I remember when
This existed only as a joke in Boston Legal.

Die Antwoord
Are like the Dagga Puff they refer to in one of the tracks (that isn't on the CD version of $O$) in that they're as addictive as hell. All the shit they throw together shouldn't work, but it just does.