
Gender: the one with the dick that goes in you (edit: just to clarify, I mean the one in which the dick is introverted so it's not really a dick anymore. I don't know the name of it though. *shrugs* Science.)
Started Commenting in the CZ: summer or spring, maybe fall
Favorite Community Season: 2
Favorite Community


I know what you guys are talking about and I do not enjoy it.


Happy Birthday, glaz/ (Why is everyone's birthday this month?) HAPPPPYYY BIIIIIRTHHHDAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Now I know who I'm going to haunt for eternity! YAY (IDNOT)!


It freaked me out when I was already listening to "Svefn-G-Englar" and one of the videos came on with that same song.

Ideas for possible 6th and 7th study group members?

Happy birthday!

Thanking God for the failure of others is what I do

The climax of the episode was the parents trying to stop the pregnant daughter from getting on a roller coaster ride. Lol wut

Cutie pie

When did I step into a Tom Hanks movie?

I'd always thought that Todd and Lydia was referring to TODD! and his good friend, fellow AV Club writer, Lydia. This makes so much more sense now.

Yeppers. Jim Rash's hometown is where I was born and raised! I can totally call him up like wheneves

