
They could've had Mohinder Suresh and Sylar…

Re the 'Khan!' thing I guess most Trekkies will find that line funny whereas non-Trekkies probably won't get the reference at all?

I've always thought there were shades of Homer Simpson in Kevin…

I thought it was a shame we didn't get to see what happened with Jan and her kid. It would've been pretty hilarious to bring her kid (who probably ended up being a mini me version of Jan) to the wedding and have Jan drunkenly hit on Clark (and probably every other guy) at the wedding reception for old times' sake.

Hopefully one of the warehouse people is an aspiring artist… then one day they'll be able to paint the warehouse people in and paint butts on every single office worker's face.

I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that John Krasinski is going to have a role in the new Arrested Development season too.

I'd love for Michael to be a groomsmen (or even Dwight's best man), but I have a feeling Carell will end up doing a small cameo.

Andy's absence would be hilarious (and frankly ideal), but sadly the preview from next week shows Andy sitting at a table with Jim and Oscar celebrating what seems to be Dwight's bachelor party.

I'd like to think that in his home basement (next to a small hydroponic set up of mung beans and weed) Creed's parents are actually both fully dressed skeletons ala Psycho.

Exactly. Plus let's take a look at Wallace's past picks for regional manager:

Oh interesting I'm a complete newbie here, so I hadn't heard about the Dwight baby speculation. Was there any official confirmation that Angela Kinsey had been cast to play Angela on the Dwight spinoff (if the spinoff had been green-lit)?

I think there's a possibility Angela's kid has been a Schrute this entire time.

I have a feeling Angela somehow managed to lie about the paternity of her child and that the child has actually been Dwight's baby all along. Perhaps the senator finally found out and is now in the process of suing her… which is why she 1) has no alimony and 2) has no home/money. It'd also explain why Angela crashed