Goodness! That wasn't very nice. I'mma fuck you up, son.
Goodness! That wasn't very nice. I'mma fuck you up, son.
Goodness! You'll have to call me so we can talk about it, dearie. I mean you, Scrawler, but also you, spicoli. You do still have my number?
Goodness! My Miata was made to go fast, dearie!
Goodness! You (I?) of all people would know. ;-)
Goodness! I think it's time for me to tell the truth. I'm actually Scrawler, everyone. There was an unfortunate time-travel incident several years back, and I had to take one for the team in order to save my own life.
Goodness! You bring the wine, I'll make the popcorn, dearie. I may need to watch a second time by myself, though! For…reviewing purposes.
Goodness! I'm glad you learned my lessons on how to wrangle men, dearie! What a wonderful granddaughter.
Goodness! Who will play Princess Diana? I think she and Elton were dating.
Goodness! Go get me a switch, young man!
Goodness! I promise that if you come visit me, I'll give you an elephant brooch I never let your mother have!
Goodness! I should have read the article more closely. Perhaps I'll go to my granddaughter's house to watch it. We could have quality grandmother-granddaughter time. I'll bake cookies, dearie!
Goodness! Perhaps I'll go see this with my senior discount. Liberace seemed like such a nice young man, so I assume his friend was a nice young man also!
Goodness! I was watching Anderson Cooper (what a nice young man!) and almost forgot to read Savage Love.
Goodness! Scrawler is right. Whoever was in that movie seems like a nice young man but Meryl Streep is simply wonderful!
Goodness! No, I think Jodie Foster would be happier with Anderson Cooper.
Goodness! We're through the looking glass! I'm just glad Scrawler has so many friends. I hope she can bring you all over for cookies sometime!
Goodness! We're through the looking glass! I'm just glad Scrawler has so many friends. I hope she can bring you all over for cookies sometime!
Goodness! You promised not to tell anyone! I guess I'll have to change it.
Goodness! You promised not to tell anyone! I guess I'll have to change it.
Goodness! I thought we always made sure to behave when you were at our house, dearie!