HM Elizabeth II

Nah, no-one gives a monkey's.

Most British name ever is Sir Ranulph Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes. II thought everyone knew that.

Yeah, loved these. The whole thing was so bursting with wit and energy that it was easy to forgive the occasional clumsy bits that didn't quite work. The actors are spot on and it was written with a clear nerdy appreciation for the original.

Additional bonus trivia: the physicist doing the commentary is the ex-keyboard player for chart toppers D:REAM

Daniel 7 and all that, indeed. Can't be too careful about this kind of thing. I'll get the seven daggers of Megiddo and meet you in Jerusalem.

Profound, dude.
"It's a lie, of course, but also a child's introduction to the sort of beautiful, sustaining lies we tell ourselves to keep living"

Unskilled and Unaware of It
Nothing in human history makes sense except in the light of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

Oh yeah, in your face rest of the world.
I'm feeling so much pride right now.


Steady on now.

…and that was how I found out that "drunk in public" is an arrestable offence in the state of California.

I think a lot of the percieved strength of British comedy is just from the filtering effect, judging the lot by what makes it to america is like judging all american tv by The Wire. The most popular british comedy is My Family, a show so astonishingly bland I feel myself losing the will to live just thinking about it.

It's my English and I shall do with it as I please. That said, Toby Young is undeniably a thundering twat of a man.

Does this really translate well to America?
Because unless you grew up with Tommorow's World and the Open University I can't see it having the same resonance.