Triple Word Snore

I happily admit to looking forward to it each week. Not that I have nothing better to do…

Two eps at a time for S2, back to 3 for S3
Todd - that's a brilliant plan. I also agree wholeheartedly with your reasoning. Once the theater company and Hearst enter the fray, things slow down a bit plot-wise. Not to say that S3 isn't great - it's just more notable for the dialog and characters than for plot

That's a real shame, considering how exceptional the 2nd season is. I'd gamble that if more people watched just the first episode of S2, most of them would complete the series.


@Towelie: Thanks for referencing what may very well be my favorite sequence in the whole series (Friday the 13th, not Better Off Ted.)

It's great to see that Chang's been released from captivity and has re-entered the fold.

Honestly, I'd rather just hand them the 12 bucks and bend over. I _might_ ask for a reach-around, though.

I'm pretty tickled by this: "I bet the robots are going to get to rap in this one." Well played, sir.

I believe it has been downgraded to merely "wonky."

@tabernacle: Yes, a lot of things happened "off-screen" between seasons - [SPOILERS?] - the deputizing, Miss Isringhausen's work with Sophia, etc. Dialog suggests that close to a year has gone by since the end of the 1st season.

"Welcome to _fuckin'_' Deadwood. It can be combative."

Agreed on all counts. She has some great scenes in the next few episodes - the ones with Wolcott in particular.

Wait, Progenitor… can you please explain how "WOWie dorm-mates" are cool again?

Please - let's not disparage Cutthroat Island.

Steve, JB. To a skanky ska beat, of course.

That IS a day-maker. Thanks, Mayday!

Remember, if your principal ever gives you trouble and you want this to happen at your school. just give ol' Sreamin' Steve a call - I'm in the book, under "SCA-REAMIN'!"

Damnit, Hunsweasel - I can't be mad at that face… I also saw G.G. - from the very back of the room. Left after about 3 minutes, clean as a whistle.

Seeing the Ramones live was one of the highlights of my High School years. The pace of the show was manic, as expected, and they totally rocked for two hours straight pausing (if you can call it that) only for the "1-2-3-4"'s between songs.

Vera said THAT?!