Triple Word Snore

Factotum? C'mon… you can do better than that. Not bad, but give me some Burroughs any day over Factotum.

Anne, it's a good thing you're funny.

um… smiggering. stop that.

I glanced - it's from behind (stop siggering) and honestly looks more like Frank N Furter than any Carradine.

@HLG - That IS a hilarious moment when McCall tries to re-issue the insult Bill used on him. Greatness.

I believe the preferred nomenclature is "heathens" or "dirt worshipers" - or even "dirt-worshiping heathens."

Wow, I typed that WAY too fast - I think you can figure out the typos from the context.

The lenght is great, TV. I prefer the analysis to the recaps, but I've seen the episodes several times. I like your insights on the series - and yes, I think you're on to something with the Swedish girl.

I hasten to agree. Jane coming back into the fold (not to give anything away) later (after the plague passes) provides some of my favorite heartfelt moments of the series.

I actually never watched Trust in its entirety until I was putting together a tribute to Adrienne Shelly for a film festival screening of Waitress. I love Henry Fool (the festival also screened Fay Grim) and couldn't believe Trust had somehow evaded me, but watching it under those circumstances - and choosing clips

Jane the Drunk
"Man" definately provides one of the most tragic moments of the series in Jane and Bullock's reaction to seeing Bill's body. Jane chugging that bottle of whiskey - and the path she takes from that point - is heartbreaking.

I believe in one of the commentary tracks from Season 2, David Milch simply attributes the casting to Dillahunt's acting skills - he might have even called on him for he part - but no deeper connection of the 2 characters was suggested. He just really likes him - and Milch is never afraid to cast people he likes.

A quick aside
Just wanted to let you staffers know that this feature has really classed up the joint, like the new piano at the Gem.

All good guesses, but it's actually a beverage served to groupies after a Black Crowes concert.

@ CraftyJack, Often Posts - That's percisely the way I read it; the Kid's protection is gone once he gives into violence after nearly finding his redemption - if he stayed the path opposite Holden's, he would not have "disappointed" him and therefore have to face his wrath in the outhouse.

Just dropping in to agree with Pilgrim and Sudz - McCarthy's best prose is in his descriptions of both nature and violence; fairly little description is given to actions, but moreso to the results of the (violent) actions and the equally violent landscape on which it plays out, as if this barren setting serves as the

Kramer vs. Kramer vs. Cosmo Kramer vs. Cosmo Magazine

Between Deadwood and Blood Meridian, I feel like I shouldn't bathe for a week or so just to get in the right mindset.

By the time that poor cocksucker's being dragged around in a wheelbarrow, you're really ready for someone to just end it all.

More words, please - bring that shit, Todd (er… whoeverthefuck)!