Triple Word Snore

Supposedly the gold flakes in Goldschlager pass through your system intact. Anyone care to verify this?

@DCRJ - I'm still tring to wrap my brain around your men's plumbing comment a few threads up… now, why would I want to take a pill that makes me lactate?

Please adopt, people. Any purchase just keeps the Chang-mills in business.

Just give them all Bs and be done with it!

If you're looking for suggestions…
Jitterbug Perfume would make for a fun discussion. I mentioned this before (along with Blood Meridian) and don't mean to be repetitive - but hey, my prayers were answered with McCarthy so I figured I'd go for it while I feel lucky.

You kids are lucky. It's a knockout.

My favorite part of that whole bit was how Jack - who was hancuffed in front - never even bothered to reach up and take that pesky tape off of his mouth.

This is the best news I've heard all day. It's a brutal read, but worth every shudder. The Judge… just wow. I'm looking forward to the discussions - one of my favorite books to talk about. I imagine there will be some folks who don't make it through the entire read, but I encourage them to stay the course.

It's a very pleasant listen, isn't it?

Yeah… I liked seeing Green Day for 5 bucks back in '93, but I haven't really liked anything since Kerplunk! - Dookie was okay, I suppose, but the early stuff is my favorite. Same with NOFX - kinda lost me after Heavy Petting Zoo. Actually, it was probably Liberal Animation. While later stuff is fun, they lost a

My Vera? Vera wouldn't say that.

Riff stole my quote… and my heart. Not literally, of course. Sickos.

Remember - no funeral.

This is truly sad news… but congrats seem to be in order nonetheless, Chang.

Funfact: The Chris Elliot character was originally played by Paul Reubens. And yes, I know this because I occasionally watch the show in syndication. Patricia brings the Heaton - sorry, but she kinda does it for me.

I recommend the 2005 documentary "Champion" for those curious about Trejo - good little film. Addresses drugs, prison, and his gerneral badassery.

I missed the comment she was banned for… but I stopped reading her comments after she Benny Hillified footage of the WTC being hit.

David Byrne is a master - no need for a pass. Well, True Stories was a bit… well… never mind. Genius, I say!

@Stylist Mick

Give Meddle a spin - it's worth it. "One of These Days" and "Fearless" are underappreciated gems, IMO.