Triple Word Snore

Michael Bolton - I celebrate the guy's _entire_ catalog.

Widespread Panic is certainly not the worst. Before Mikey Houser lost his battle with cancer, they were one of the best year-round touring rock n' roll acts out there. With Jimmy Herring now filling in, they are still rock solid and writing good new music. Say what you want about the fans, but don't disparage the

@Perfect Tommy - you are correct, sir. Stone has a screenplay credit (as he does for Conan the Barbarian and Scarface - but you knew that already.)

Please stop calling it that.

@Fred Garvin - I think that may well be the best line Will Sasso ever has ever delivered (or will ever, for that matter.) Funny bit in a damn funny movie.

Don't try to bullshit a bullshitter.

He was on Charlie Rose with Tyson earlier this week (or maybe late last week) - and that was a great interview, but it focused more on Big Mike. This makes for a nice companion.

Wall Street 2: Fuck Main Street

@Kills Owl Dead - Damn skippy - a big, steamy pile… Almost as heinous: U Turn. Never liked Born on the Fourth of July, either.

"I have poison oak. Do you believe it? How the hell did I get that?" (cuts to shot of a rest area)

Are you sure these aren't balls? Because last time, they were balls.

They are large red DVD vending machines that reside inside grocery stores, etc. Redbox is the name, and I believe $1 is the cost for rentals. Verb it up.

I despise Olivia - no harm that comes to her will completely satisfy me. I hope it's Pierce that chokes her out in the end, which would be rather poetic.

Don't trust her - I think she's a replicant, and nothing surprises them.

Levon makes the trip (from Dallas) totally worthwhile - here's hoping for a seperate evening show. He's the cat's ass - and the true heart of the greatness that was The Band. I'm with you, JVS - must see him soon, and as often as possible.

Wait… what about Barbarella? BARBARELLA!?! Actually, I'm glad that isn't happening. Funny, on IMDB they have a 2011 release date for Sin City 3 (yes, 3) - assuming that's a typo. He's also producing a Red Sonja re-make - because, you know, that's necessary.

Right on, Hayley - that last scene, and it's brilliant use of Ripple, was a great closer. What a great show - so sad and funny, just like Riff said. And it went out in style.

There was a good story about that scene on the commentary track. It ended with Rogen bleeding profusely.

"I mean, do you think The Who learned Teenage Wasteland in a day?"
"Baba O'Reilley"
"The song's called Baba O'Reilley"

Jack Nineplus