Triple Word Snore

Right there with you, Harbinger.

"Hairdresser on Fire" - put that in your i-pipe and smoke it.

And David Fincher is no slouch in the director's chair.

Fuck the fuck yeah, Snape.

A bit off subject, but I have to second something - C.R.A.Z.Y. is a wonderful film. Glad to see some Phel-praise for it. We included it in the film festival I used to work with here in Dallas and brought in Pierre-Luc Brillant to introduce it - man, the ladies loved that guy.

I have a ton of books I got for free at a convention in Vegas (I used to manage some chain media stores in Dallas) - I literally took everything I could carry. I've read most of them (that's where I picked up Devil in the White City and Lullaby, probably the best of the bunch) but have several still unread. Also, I

Monkey House and Slaughterhouse Five were two of my favorite required reads in high school - fantastic.

Thanks, Pilgrim - I'll definately give it a shot.

@Pilgrim - I can totally dig that. I don't read much sci-fi, so I'd love some suggestions - what Dick works would you suggest?

Jitterbug Perfume, perhaps?

I also recommend to myself that I learn how to spell recommend.

Another great suggestion - pick it up, Pilgrim. The setting of the Chicago World's Fair is just fun to get sucked into.

I recently read Ender's Game by Card (the original one - not the 1991 re-write) - one of the better sci-fi reads I've come across in years. I'd reccomend it, but most genre fans probably consider it standard fare.

Blood Meridian is my favorite McCarthy - just a fantastic read. KG - I can see how it would be hard to get into, but give it 100 pages and if you aren't hooked it's probably not for you. Definately one of his least accesible books - but totally worth it. The Road, Child of God, and No Country for Old Men are much

Great suggestions, Murphy and barefoot jim - I'll consider the ones I haven't read as reccomendations (as my taste seems to be similar.)

Yes, please. CoD is a blast.

Wait - Easter Peeps aren't a good bounty?

Chalkdust and Tears Doritos

Looks like Tony has a specific target in mind - and I'm sure his ideal plan would have been to detonate the charge, get the fuck out, meet up with the canister guy, and proceed to threaten/take out said target. Too bad for Larry that he took him into custody - with the look on Tony's face in the 'copter, you knew

Starkwood Guy?
Seems to me that since he knew Tony was going to help him (or he would've dusted him with the shotgun) and that he went with Tony's plan - and Tony has his digits, he must have been working with the "competing entity" to steal some of the bio-weapon. And he was a bigger bad-ass than the typical