Triple Word Snore

Thanks, SMF - worth every bit of wondering where the fuck that was going.

Oranges ARE a fucking hassle.

Or, for the home-schooled kids, that's five-eleventy thousand.

There were some clever regulars commenting on Defamer up until the announcement was made that the core folks were leaving - more railing and starfucking, far less hilarity than AVC commenters. Not quite as… how do I put this… "active" as you good folks, either.

Great List
Props on the selections - some real gems in there. Thanks for reminding me about The Krays - it's been awhile since I've seen that and it's a great one. The Man Who Fell to Earth is one of my favorites - Rip Torn's Linus and Charlie Browns always makes me laugh.

Tom Waits
works perfect in his Jarmusch roles. If you have to fill the frame in a static shot for a few (too many) minutes, let the subject be as interesting as Tom Waits.