
Don't forget Batman and Robin.

It'll be back. Maybe not called "Top Gear" but the boys will be together doing crazy/fun car shit sooner or later.

Still one of my favorite films. The ominous "thump thump" in the soundtrack, the cold isolation, and a genuinely awesome monster make me watch it whenever it's on.

lol. It'd be more awesome for Carol to kill Pete than Rick.

My wife loves her some Scandal but I would personally put HoC and Scandal on the same level. Scandal as a bit more of the infuriating decisions made by incredibly grating characters quotient than HoC.

Or your Amazon Prime time.

Ugh, Coven was just horrible. I'm all for bizarre mindfuck TV but at least maintain come internal consistency.

Ugh I hope not.

Oh, good movie.

I enjoyed the Goa-uld story but they really, really, really milked it for all it was worth. <s9-10 spoilers="">The Ori were a cool addition but seemed to be dispatched a bit too easily in The Ark of Truth.</spoilers>

Yeah seeing O'Neill like that was pretty shocking. He wasn't even strictly needed for the story IIRC but oh well. I'd give SG-1 and Universe a solid A with Atlantis getting the A+. They are all good shows with their own way of doing things. I'll admit to being a bit butthurt over Universe's untimely ending but I'm

The Nothing terrified me as a kid. That and the freakish looking wolf-creature who's name escapes me at the moment.

And it worked great for 16 season and a couple movies.

Agreed. I deeply enjoyed the Stargate movie and was excited to hear see it turned into a series. I started religiously watching (read: obsessing over) it and became a lifelong fan.

Season 1 is widely regarded as the weakest of the whole series. For me, SG-1 got really good in S2 and maintained a high quality up to and including the end of S6. S7-9 are also very good but weren't as engaging, to me, as the ones that came before it. SG-1 was still appointment television for me but I no longer

You're not wrong; they are tedious there towards the end. I'm cautiously optimistic about this though. J. Michael has the writing chops to pull this off but…Spike TV? That's one I wouldn't have seen coming.

I still have a soft spot for Sliders. It all went downhill after season 2, yes, but I loved the concept. Even 20 years later I still would love to have a timer.

Yeah I read it different than Josh Alston did. I saw it as Hannah leaving without putting in any effort to say goodbye rather than Adam just ignoring her. I can see Josh's position though.

Loved loved loved this cliffhanger when I first saw it.