Travel club!
Travel club!
Travel club!
That's probably why they're divorcing - practically no one in comedy has a stable childhood! Sacrifices must be made.
That's probably why they're divorcing - practically no one in comedy has a stable childhood! Sacrifices must be made.
Sounds good! I will definitely bring the thread back next week, as this got a pretty nice response.
Sounds good! I will definitely bring the thread back next week, as this got a pretty nice response.
That sounds pretty awesome. I've never been, but I enjoyed going to China last year quite a bit. I'd love to go back, but 13 hour flights in coach are pretty close to torture. (At least on flights run by American airlines; my flight back on Air Nippon wasn't nearly so bad.)
That sounds pretty awesome. I've never been, but I enjoyed going to China last year quite a bit. I'd love to go back, but 13 hour flights in coach are pretty close to torture. (At least on flights run by American airlines; my flight back on Air Nippon wasn't nearly so bad.)
Yeah, whatever mild enjoyment I was getting out of this show is pretty much gone now. NO TAKASHI, NO PEACE.
Yeah, whatever mild enjoyment I was getting out of this show is pretty much gone now. NO TAKASHI, NO PEACE.
Well, you're seeing more of the US, which is pretty cool. I want to do more of that; I've pretty much stuck to the east coast aside from one trip to Vegas quite a while ago.
Well, you're seeing more of the US, which is pretty cool. I want to do more of that; I've pretty much stuck to the east coast aside from one trip to Vegas quite a while ago.
Yeah, as much as I enjoy my trips I have to admit that a lot of the joy would be sucked out of it if it was an everyday thing and not a special retreat from my normal life. More enriching, in some ways, but the potential isolation and the rapid adaptation would have to be really difficult. (That's not to say it…
Yeah, as much as I enjoy my trips I have to admit that a lot of the joy would be sucked out of it if it was an everyday thing and not a special retreat from my normal life. More enriching, in some ways, but the potential isolation and the rapid adaptation would have to be really difficult. (That's not to say it…
It *does* look really beautiful, so I was conflicted. I guess it was a combination of things putting me off, though, and another big factor was the sheer crazy heat you get by going to the rainforest during its summer - the average heat index temperature there in December is 109, and I just don't think I can deal.…
It *does* look really beautiful, so I was conflicted. I guess it was a combination of things putting me off, though, and another big factor was the sheer crazy heat you get by going to the rainforest during its summer - the average heat index temperature there in December is 109, and I just don't think I can deal.…
Well, mostly tourism there involves cruise ships, unless you're really hardcore and just helicopter in and camp there. You spend a few hours a day hiking around a bit and seeing animals - they never developed much of a fear of humans, living there, so penguins will just walk right up to you. There's a few manmade…
Well, mostly tourism there involves cruise ships, unless you're really hardcore and just helicopter in and camp there. You spend a few hours a day hiking around a bit and seeing animals - they never developed much of a fear of humans, living there, so penguins will just walk right up to you. There's a few manmade…