
Ugh, definitely, family travel is always so stressful. The guilting, having to make your plans dependent on them which always leads to resentment on at least one side. …or possibly that's just my family.

Ugh, definitely, family travel is always so stressful. The guilting, having to make your plans dependent on them which always leads to resentment on at least one side. …or possibly that's just my family.

Ooh, the Galapagos, that sounds really great. The rare animals that you'd get to see alone would make it totally worth it.

Ooh, the Galapagos, that sounds really great. The rare animals that you'd get to see alone would make it totally worth it.

Oh, for fun, definitely - I have this travel goal set for myself to go to all seven continents before I turn 30, and South America and Antarctica are the last two. (Though I didn't do as much in Africa as I'd like - I had a trip booked in Egypt for March of last year, and with my typically terrible timing I bought the

Oh, for fun, definitely - I have this travel goal set for myself to go to all seven continents before I turn 30, and South America and Antarctica are the last two. (Though I didn't do as much in Africa as I'd like - I had a trip booked in Egypt for March of last year, and with my typically terrible timing I bought the

Ha, thanks! If it helps, I only do interesting things about once a year.

Ha, thanks! If it helps, I only do interesting things about once a year.

People will probably not be able to shut me up about the trip, to be honest. *g*

People will probably not be able to shut me up about the trip, to be honest. *g*

I'm leaning towards coastlines, I think - the views are just so, so gorgeous. The only trouble there is the distances involved, as most awesome hotels I've found so far seem to be about a four hour drive from the nearest airport.

I'm leaning towards coastlines, I think - the views are just so, so gorgeous. The only trouble there is the distances involved, as most awesome hotels I've found so far seem to be about a four hour drive from the nearest airport.

Aw, that's too bad. Still, in Canada you'll probably get nicer places for conferences than people in the US - I'm a tech person, and every conference I've been sent to in about 5 years seems to be in Orlando for some reason. I'm pretty sure every single thing there is made of plastic.

Aw, that's too bad. Still, in Canada you'll probably get nicer places for conferences than people in the US - I'm a tech person, and every conference I've been sent to in about 5 years seems to be in Orlando for some reason. I'm pretty sure every single thing there is made of plastic.

Ripping off the awesome fashion and cooking threads, would anyone else be interested in an AV Club Travel thread? I always enjoy reading about awesome places other people have gone, and have a few trips planned this year and next that would be fun to talk about.

Ripping off the awesome fashion and cooking threads, would anyone else be interested in an AV Club Travel thread? I always enjoy reading about awesome places other people have gone, and have a few trips planned this year and next that would be fun to talk about.

I'm primarily a Nationals fan, but grew up watching the Orioles so I still have a soft spot for them, and I'm loving their late-season run. How crazy/awesome would a Nationals-Orioles World Series be?

I'm primarily a Nationals fan, but grew up watching the Orioles so I still have a soft spot for them, and I'm loving their late-season run. How crazy/awesome would a Nationals-Orioles World Series be?

I don't think it's a bad idea in general, but they should've waited until next year to implement it so they could schedule it in right. As it is, the wild card teams end up with home field advantage this year, which is just some bullshit.

I don't think it's a bad idea in general, but they should've waited until next year to implement it so they could schedule it in right. As it is, the wild card teams end up with home field advantage this year, which is just some bullshit.