
@avclub-10d40c7415bbe87b03c68abf902329a3:disqus There was a study a few years ago, if I remember correctly, that said that men's arousal response tends to be triggered by visual input more strongly than women's, which could account for more women going to text-oriented porn than men. (I would cite, but it's probably

That style of writing is nigh-universal whenever a person who is uncomfortable with sex attempts to write about it.

That style of writing is nigh-universal whenever a person who is uncomfortable with sex attempts to write about it.

I like/am bemused at how much discussion slashfic is getting on this site lately. My teen years are suddenly relevant! (Ha, lies, I still read it. With some additional embarrassment.)

I like/am bemused at how much discussion slashfic is getting on this site lately. My teen years are suddenly relevant! (Ha, lies, I still read it. With some additional embarrassment.)

I like to imagine House actually murdered the former patient because he needed a decoy body, just because it's funnier to think that they ended the series on House just casually killing someone and not even bothering to mention it.

I like to imagine House actually murdered the former patient because he needed a decoy body, just because it's funnier to think that they ended the series on House just casually killing someone and not even bothering to mention it.

My favorite of his appearances was when he played the nice judge on America's Kidz Got Singing - it's an easy joke, of course, but something about his delivery there just killed me.

My favorite of his appearances was when he played the nice judge on America's Kidz Got Singing - it's an easy joke, of course, but something about his delivery there just killed me.

I think it kind of depends how much you enjoyed the show in its early years - I can't really dispute any of Zack's arguments, but that kind of didn't matter to me because I enjoyed it anyway. Maybe it's just that they tripped my nostalgia button really effectively, but I still don't regret watching it.

I think it kind of depends how much you enjoyed the show in its early years - I can't really dispute any of Zack's arguments, but that kind of didn't matter to me because I enjoyed it anyway. Maybe it's just that they tripped my nostalgia button really effectively, but I still don't regret watching it.

I don't know, I think the ending of House Finding Love would be maybe the worst way a show like this could end. It would've annoyed *me* a lot, anyway.

I don't know, I think the ending of House Finding Love would be maybe the worst way a show like this could end. It would've annoyed *me* a lot, anyway.

My dad's family growing up was the same way - they'd reuse the same names because they considered them inherited titles rather than anything personal to the dogs. (Princess is dead, long live Princess!)

My dad's family growing up was the same way - they'd reuse the same names because they considered them inherited titles rather than anything personal to the dogs. (Princess is dead, long live Princess!)

However they handle the resolution, it's bound to be better than in the canon - there, Watson faints in shock when Holmes returns, but is just totally understanding of the fact that Holmes let him think he was dead and never even really gets mad about it. And Holmes didn't even have the excuse of "I was trying to

However they handle the resolution, it's bound to be better than in the canon - there, Watson faints in shock when Holmes returns, but is just totally understanding of the fact that Holmes let him think he was dead and never even really gets mad about it. And Holmes didn't even have the excuse of "I was trying to

The books don't really mention anything about his non-Mycroft family except that they came from a line of "country squires;" there's nothing direct about his relationships with his parents. (The absence of much mention means they're not great relationshpis in modern stories, generally, but I don't know that it would

The books don't really mention anything about his non-Mycroft family except that they came from a line of "country squires;" there's nothing direct about his relationships with his parents. (The absence of much mention means they're not great relationshpis in modern stories, generally, but I don't know that it would

I actually liked her in the season 1 episodes - she was the only character who wasn't all about/entirely focused on Sherlock, and I thought it was valuable for the show to have at least one character with a more detached perspective. She also had at least some role in the investigations, there, and had a little more