Tom Whitcomb

On a greater note, Louie and Ewan McGregor. On a lesser note, Dan Levy and Justin Timberlake.

Ed Lover is still cool in my book.

Ed Lover is still cool in my book.

My Name is Earl's Camden seemed like a pretty silly place.

My Name is Earl's Camden seemed like a pretty silly place.

I went back and watched an old episode of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers recently, and I finally - as an adult - realized that it's, like, porn-quality acting.

I went back and watched an old episode of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers recently, and I finally - as an adult - realized that it's, like, porn-quality acting.

Say what you will about her teeth, but I've had a thing for Kirsten Dunst since like forever.

King of the Hill and Malcolm in the Middle both had such perfect theme songs for me.

John Semley stole my answer to the last detail.

No one ever believed him.

"It's the End of the World as We Know It (and I'm Drunk Enough to Do this in Public)"

Bi-Polar Bear
While polar bears are inherently badass, it is another great name out of The Tick.

Frank Turner
England Keep My Bones is pretty awesome. If you haven't checked it out yet, give it a chance.

I can see it now
Thor 2: A Spike Lee Joint.

Infant, excuse me.

I felt like a lot of Instant Sorrow's songs could have worked outside of the joke. Specifically "The Clap", which is both a good pop song and hilarious.

I always thought Xavier McDaniel saying "Steve, don't cum yet." in Singles was hilariously unexpected.

Prom 2: Electric Boogaloo.