
Started watching on Netflix after it was already cancelled, although I didin't know it at the time. It was a sad surprise when we got to the end of the second season thinking the third season was still airing or something because there was no way something so nifty could be done… and it was done.

I like that there's so much thought put into the parallels presented between the characters of House, Chase, and Foreman, and would just like to remind that whenever a snippet of dialogue is offered as evidence, the saying 'Everybody Lies' may apply.  Simply put, not everything is as presented.  Just as an example,

At first viewing I was on board with starvtwalker here, overall disappointed, let down by the non-profundity of the answer to the long-held question of why Chase left the seminary.  Dunno why, but the second viewing made all the difference and I came back to give this an A instead.  The episode is definitely something

I suspect Amber arrived in a car but ended up getting on the bus to give House his cane and see him home.

I registered just to be able to comment on this. ;__;  I… think I… understand CARING now.  Somebody hold meeeee.