
I honestly don't get the love. Sure it looks great but by the time the sand storm came in, instead of being in awe I was so numb and felt that way for the the rest of the movie. It's the coldest blockbuster of the year for me.

Yay for a movie all about shirtless Jeremy Renner

It was so fun watching it in theaters at a packed screen where everyone was just as tipsy as I was. It's not the same if you watch it alone

Still think it's just an OK movie

Based on all the movie's everyone is talking about, I've only seen a handful of movies this year. Geesh, I've only seen 6 of the movies listed and only liked two of them.

He's my husband even though he's never heard of me.

Yay for Magic Mike XXL getting some love.

I wasn't crazy about this season as I was about it last year, but after seeing the finale I'm just floored at how perfectly everything clicked together. Not enough people are talking about this show and that's a damn shame.

I was excited for it because Oscar Isaac is my husband even though he's never heard of me, but I missed it when it aired and haven't had a chance to catch up.

Probably just one. But if you can do 6 hours of Show Me a Hero + nearly 30 hours of Rectify, more power to you.

I'd LOVE to see that video if it's online. To Google!

Not finalized yet because there's still a few more shows I want to watch, but since everyone's doing it:

Guess I need to watch Show Me a Hero.
Yay for all the Steven Universe love

He's so bland he's like the Jai Courtney of Oscar bait movies.

What was Simon's reaction?

So I take it it'll become a tradition for every winter finale to have Magda be the worst?

"Ramon, do you really want your last words to be a lie?"

Whaaaaaaa? Jane the Virgin's narrator is one of the best things about it! I love his sassiness and though it always made the info dumps he did seem fresh, and a lot of his wordplay is to die for. ("This was the information she had come for. Pun intended.")

I wasn't crazy about Tangerine either. sin-Dee came across as annoying but i really liked Mya Taylor in it. Hoping she has a great and long career

Burned through Jessica Jones and Sense8 this week.