
There is no way that category is real, right?

Um, OK why had I not heard of Banana until now? That sounds awesome!

Woo-hoo, congrats on that bookstore job!

Saw The Spongebob Movie with a friend I hadn't seen in forever so it was great just to hang out with her after a stressful work week.

"OK Miss Puff, See You Next Tuesday!"

Doesn't look as bad as that sitcom with Martin Lawrence and Kelsey Grammar from last year though.

"That's not how I usually do it…"
"I know, but this is an emergency!"

OhmiGod, I think that m,y have been my favorite episode of the series.

You're just jealous because you don't have what I pretend to have with him.


He still has my trust but only because I still think he's so hot.

Really? How to Train Your dragon 2?

I like Teen Titans Go! :/

Ugh. Looks like the pilot is no longer streaming.

Do it.
You won't regret it. I fell in love with the pilot and the episodes after have been as strong or stronger. It's the kind of television that makes me so happy.

Your opinion sucks.

I like to watch….

My only real disappointment is no gratuitous shirtless scene by the lead character in a MARVEL movie. What the shit?

Several of the other episodes are so much more disturbing than the pilot. If you can get through S2's "White Bear" you can handle the pilot.

HeHe. "Bang."