

It's bound to happen. I stopped seeing all of my high school friends by the time my freshman year was over but at least seeing them and still hanging out with them during my first semester helped me get through most of my anxieties.

Are you going with any high school friends or people you know you can count on? Always try meeting new people, be social and check out their organizations, and most importantly, don't procrastinate.

You're my new favorite person for reminding me of the special!

Happy Jane the Virgin day everyone!
So glad this show is back!

Unfortunately, I didn't get a lot of pop culture stuff to do this weekend.

I hope someone poops on your shoe because of that…

Luther or The Wire Idris Elba?

Would you care to rampage with me so we can do it together?

The preview for next week's episode ended with Joan doing a horrified reaction to someone walking into her apartment (presumably Kitty's attacker.)

The guy deleted his first comment and the rest oif his replies so we're all just talking to each other.

*rolls away*

Ugh, shut up Bevers.

There's also the fact that the movie was released domestically without a rating by the MPAA which apparently is a big no no for some reason.

And hopefully by next year people will realize their mistake.

Saw The Imitation Game, which was shit.

Kung Fu Panda 2

Don't have FXX in my cable package so no Simpsons marathon for me :/

That might be it. I don't think I watched FX since the premiere of Freak Show.

Is there like no buzz for the new season of Archer?