
Like sex, but since it was a giant lizard, better.

"I was so fucking excited at his first blue flame shot that I laughed and whooped."

*cue Helena's theme music*

I'm behind on Hannibal by at least four episodes, and I'm surprised that I've so far done a fantastic job of not being spoiled.

Damn your logical argument!

You're obviously doing it wrong.

It's 2014 and people are STILL making jokes about how nerds, despite the fact that a lot of geek property is so hot right now, are virgins and people actually think it's funny?

No MeowMeowBeenz for him!

Colin Hanks is the AT&T of police officers.


I mean, if Buster Bluth was able to fly one, they can't be that hard.


Why can't it be Ryan Gosling's muscles we're looking at instead of Matt Smith's wannabe muscles?

Yeah, didn't they announce that we'd get an episode this season where we'd see the return of that POS?

"that's not how wormholes work!"

The live action jeff did more for me.

They're just collateral damage of his douchebaggery.

"Putting my skin back on is a two-person job!"

My hero.

Spell his name without looking it up!
I dare you!