
She's in that?

This will definitely be a bad movie, but I have not seen Jennifer Connoly in like, forever, and her presence is kind of enough to get me to watch it.

Or, at least, be very stale.

You guys! I figured something out!

"TMZ first noted that Talerico began receiving death threats on her Instagram feed "

More opportunities for him to pop up in The Good Wife!

Thank God for Elementary!

I'm glad that Harry and Hermione didn't end up together. It would've been an example of that tired, literary trope in which the main guy ends up with the main girl.

I kind of think that extending the season would greatly benefit the show.

I guess I liked it more because it meant more Mary, but looking back at it now, it does make her character less interesting.

Definitely agree. I guess it's an important movie because of how it got people talking about how horrible and degrading slavery was, but I personally thought that as a whole, 12 Years a Slave is only an OK movie.


Ugh is all I have to say about the episode.

Liked for the mention of Stults's treasure trail, which is indeed lustrous.

I stopped watching these show after the barbershop massacre (mainly due to a loss of interest and work) but I've kept up with the show via these reviews (which make the last few episodes sound like a chore that I'm glad I stopped doing) but I will miss all these comments!

*sad trombone melody*

No, that's a terrible country song.

Well, I loved it.

Her fight scene with Sedusa is one of the sexiest scenes I've ever seen in that show.

That was a fantastic pair of episodes with one of the best clffhangers I've ever seen.