
I wonder if the reason why ratings are slipping is because it's up against Scandal, which is now more popular than ever.

So, Robert Redford is still hot at 77, no?

Carrie 11: Carrie goes to Hell

Maybe it'll be a parallel prequel where some of this takes place during the events of Breaking bad?

"Obviously what Noah needs is a hot lesbian dream sequence. "

Darren Arofnofsky published a graphic novel based on his original draft of his script in 2011 when it looked like the film wasn't going to get made.

I've been underwhelmed by the last few episodes since the season begin, and this was the first time this season that I loved an episode.

"I feel like a pretty lady."

I guess the reason why it bothers people (me included) is because no one seems to bring it up.

Maybe they were speaking a dead language because they were dead?

I remember they did the same thing when they put him in the psychiatric hospital in the pilot.

Can't they compromise and let him wear street clothes but he keeps his boots and jacket?

I get that they needed an excuse for exposition, but I hated how they had to make Abby look like an idiot because of it. Or did no one else spend their childhood reading unexplained mysteries books?


Hopefully it's an '80s themed montage complete with music, runways and alcohol.

Death to the new Disqus!

Yeah, I didn't catch that until I read some comments below.

We see her stabbing herself, but we don't see Rick shooting her in the head.

Finished reading The Princess Bride, which was spectacular. 
As for Buttercup's Baby, I don't know if I ever want to read that thing. Hopefully the thing that happens to Fezzik turns out to be a fake out,.

So, at this point they're ditching Storybrooke, aren't they?