
Yes, this is something to catch up on.

Are Tina an dGina from Bob's Burger's also going to show up next week?

So, is Hannibal the copycat killer?

You're not.

Shaq was in the episode and  missed it?

Since I'm a huge bitch, I feel no shame in being the first to bring it up.

Anyone else think that Busy Phillip's makeup was not doing her any favors?

No mention of the affair between PB's hand and Jake's hand?

"You know, speaking of carpet…"

No mention of how the hooker played by the same actress who plays Patty, the daytime hooker from My Name is Earl?

"We're fine with four more"

Anyone else wanted to hear the rest of Jackie-er, Debbie's proposal to Larry? I thought it was romantic.

At least Giselle left with Dignity…

Why is it that whenever a character is dying right after learning something instead of trying to warn about it his/her dying words are something totally unrelated.

You're not


No mention on how Krieger is officially the master of ultimate excuses to get out of a jam?

True, but I was just wondering what people here thought of it.

I had to watch the Twin Peaks pilot episode for a homework assignment. ended up watching the whole series instead.

Glad to see that I wasn't the only one who thought that August looked like a mess.