
Would've been better if he asked her if the carpet matched them.

I'm glad it was you that thought that, and not me.

I usually hate when I'm wrong, but I was so positive they were going to have a post-coyote makeout, and I really, really didn't want that to happen.

I was more irritated they were scared of a coyote in the first place.

Schmidt and I dance in our rooms the same exact way.

Comcast decided to anally rape my area and make FX some sort of super premium channel.

If they dont' renew Community I think I'm just going to give up on televised comedy.

I'm totally allowed to hang out at all the places I've been fired from.

I'm starting to get really tired of seeing exactly where the jokes are coming from a mile away.

She might if she works on like, Tuesday.

And then they can go "yogging".

"Kids I'm going to tell you how I got this tie. But first I'm going to go into explicit detail about every other tie I had sex with first."

I seriously said, "Why is there a George R.R. Martin extra on the street?" before concluding they wouldn't have such a distracting extra if it wasn't Barney.

How can anyone forget the name "Warren Cheswick"?

I think this episode is going to make me quit voting.

Am I the only one that thought Cece looked really hot with that hood up?

The game is impossible once you get any stars.

And have TWO black guys?

The Rise of Taj.

We're talking about Kristen Schall here, not Sarah Jessica Parker.