
She was wearing Christian Louboutin Rolando Hidden-Platform Pumps. Classy taste.

For me, I felt like the show lost it's urgency after season three, with the exception of the season four finale and the season eight premiere. I feel like halfway through the final season, the show is doing what it finally should have done all along: develop it's supporting characters.

The character flashback I would most like to see in season 2 is Natalie Figueroa (Alysia Reiner). . A female boss in a women's prison is a fascinating dynamic, but they haven't really explored it as much as they could. Right now Fig feels more like a Parks and Recs character, but if the fleshed her out with a

I actually thought January Jones had one of her best scenes ever in this ep, although it was just a nibble of mashed potatoes. Jones really sold this tiny moment showcasing Betty's internal swirling confliction. As she takes the bite, her emotions seem to register one by one: wide-eyed surprise, guilt, contemplation,

What I think is especially weird about the Trinity Thanksgiving scene is the wife is acting all bug-eyed and terrified of him, yet earlier in the season we saw that extremely intimate bath scene between them and she seemed totally comfortable and trusting. It is reasonable to think Trinity can turn on the charm when