
By "the world" she means "the straight world".  I like Tina Fey as much as the next queer (which is to say, increasingly less and less), but it saddens me that I can't watch (old, quality) 30 Rock anymore without thinking of the incredibly offensive (and I am not easily offended), violent and upsetting thing that

James Oseland Fork Stabbing
At the very least it would get him off the show.

As a singer and writer, my enjoyment of music is very much tied in to lyrics and singability. That's not to say I don't listen to music I can't sing along to - I love Sufjan Stevens and Brian Eno - but I am much more inclined to want to listen to something if I know the words. This has always been a

Does anyone else find all of the judges completely unbearable? No, I did not find what's-her-face's blatant flirting charming, I found it gross. "Even you can't look sexy eating Cesar salad with your hands!" *Giggle*

Oh, Greg Garcia
I love LITERALLY every member of this cast, and it makes me sad to see them being under-used. Greg Garcia is ok, but after what happened to My Name Is Earl I just don't trust his instincts. I'm glad Raising Hope has found an audience, but I hope they're also able to grow and strengthen as a show.

Glee's Continuing Biphobia
No one really seems to understand that from a bisexual perspective the handling of Brittany and Santana's relationship went from awesome to offensive at best. The fact that there was zero mention of bisexuality and that as soon as Santana revealed her feelings she immediately became a

Death Knell
If Fatneck Mike wins Top-Chef All-Stars, it will make him the new Gretchen Jones. Tom and Padma will find themselves facing an outraged fan base and I doubt the show will ever recover. And I love Tiffany, but it is ridiculous that she's still around and Dale isn't. BTW, I could beat Keven Sbraga.

It's not the worst show on television. But it has ceased to be good, and it takes viewers away from Community, which may be just as serious an offense.

There is a difference. Glee is worse.
Man, this inspired a huge Glee rant (http://girlglowsgreen.blogs… that has been building up in me for some time. Glee had such an amazing first season and then they squandered it with their complete lack of consistency, overuse of autotune, and unrealistic production values.