
I'd go with 'Ponitac Banditry' myself, but YMMV.

Wil Wheaton get's killed! How could I forget it?!

Me too, although if it were truly the 70's, Holt would be a senior citizen by now.

Well played, sir or madam, well played.

It does appear that birth control has an unusually high failure rate in Shondaland though.

So, is the face that PC Principal makes when he's just listening to someone talk (upper lip somehow drawn back) appropriately referred to as Resting Douche Face?

I don't know, her "I can't even" reaction to the guy who had four fish all with the same name (George?) was pretty funny as well.

When this airs on Comedy Central, is it censored for language? I ask because on The Comedy Network (we Canadians do love being literal) it's not censored at all, so we get all the bad swear words.


Joe Morton must have the bite strength of a pit bull with all the scenery chewing he does. And I love every minute of it.

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