Pepsi III

We actually use more corn-syrup in our soda that Coca-Cola uses in theirs. And, as we all know, more is always better.

I brought back New Coke instead of Pepsi and he totally lost his shit.

Or just take the Pepsi Challenge.

Thank you for this thoughtful and well considered public vilification of the Coca-Cola company, it is very much appreciated.

I cannot like this comment enough. You know, Ben Stiller did some great work for us a few years back:

Yeah, I don't think any of these comedians speak to members of the Pepsi generation.

I'm saving them up so I can watch them all during in the week leading up to the season finale.

Appropriate for the conversation and safe for work:

Who cares about sexuality.


How many characters in The West Wing just disappeared without anyone mentioning anything?

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Your poem's poo.

Worst gimmick ever?

You can add Revenge of the Nerds to that list as well.

I imagine the AR Reps literally shat themselves when they first heard that.


Love ketchup and mustard on an All American Hot Dog.

I think America needs to restructure its education system from top to bottom.


There's enough wrong with the actual Obama administration without making up shit like this that simply distracts from the real issues that our great country currently faces.