Pepsi III

I agree, Pops. It's just random "look how zany we are" humour.

Paul was the more prolific songwriter. John was the better songwriter.

Uncle Albert pisses me off.

Did you get one of the cheap Taiwanese Hofners or one of the handcrafted German models?

That's Paul's one great solo song. Two, possibly, if you count Live and Let Die.

When Macca releases a solo album as good as Plastic Ono Band or Imagine then maybe your opinion will have some merit.

I'm still in two minds about that one.

So this episode had nothing to do with Game of Thrones then?

It's Film 101, no-one who smacks their lips as they speak should ever be allowed on film.

That's been the case for a while now.

That never happened.

You learn something new every day.

I agree with your final paragraph.

Michael is one of the greats.

I'd actually like to see Batman, the great detective and/or strategist, in a movie for once.

Please don't tell him. He already suffers the ignominy of having Pepsi Jnr for a son.

Sadly, I think Apple's shine has started to dull as of late. Tax avoidance. NSA. Failure to renew iTunes&Pepsi contract.

I think it may be time for me to step away from the computer: I mistook your avatar for a picture of the cookie monster.

Vinyl doesn't come close to competing with mp3 because digital is a perfect representation of sound. With an iphone and the apple earbuds, it sounds like you're in the room with the artist.