Pepsi III

Enough with the knock-off gimmick accounts, already.

"Your money for nothing and your drinks for free."

I ain't your punk, pal.

It's pretty good, but I prefer all the tracks from Beyonce's new album. Oh, you haven't heard it yet?

Biologically, yes. Legally, no. Life has been sweet since I divorced you and mom.

I don't hate Barack but I do take issue with Michelle.

Well I'll be damned.

It's spelled D-A-M-N, goddamnit.

There is no mutual cooperation between PepsiCo and Sesame Street.

Listen, punk.

Shasta use high fructose corn syrup in their drinks which can lead to obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

I bet you don't even know the difference between Pepsi Max and Diet Pepsi.

Why buy used when you can buy new?

If you have a computer that old you must be really old!

What a great username. It's important that people understand that drinking Coke during pregnancy may harm the child.

What a great idea! And make sure you don't miss out on the new Pepsi-itunes promotion!

Movie Review:

That speech was great. Kutcher is an intelligent, modest and generous human being who deserves every bit of good fortune that's gone his way.

I have real respect for the Kutch. I've tried telling gramps that he'd be an ideal spokesperson for the brand.

I actually met Keirnan once at a function. She's about my age, maybe a bit younger. She seems nice enough.