
You could say I read one Hubbard novel—I read Dianetics last year and was *shocked* as the true insanity of it all started to show through. In the beginning you could *almost* say there were some reasonable ideas there (engrams do sound a bit like PTSD) but it just keeps getting more and more bat-shit crazy the

I watched today, and that was my feeling too. Miscavige is clearly psychopathic, and frightening. I am mystified as to how Tom Cruise can continue to justify his relationship with him.
On the other hand, I started to wonder if Hubbard wasn't a paranoid schizophrenic. Towards the end I was getting the impression he

That's fantastic :) I did something similar on my Commodore 64. I thought I was some sort of computer prodigy, programming in BASIC, with my fancy If…Then statements

*The Day After* was the movie that gave me the most nightmares as a kid without question. I used to watch the sky for mushroom clouds for years afterward. Those scenes where people who dies of radiation sickness get carried off in black bags, and the girl whose hair starts falling out—the thought that everyone you

Wow is it possible that this article racked up comments faster than the favorite Simpsons quotes did?

I went to see this mostly because I was bored, near the theater, and didn't feel like seeing any of the other movies. I'd never even heard of this one before that. So glad I did! I laughed out loud from beginning to end, and like others have said, every time I thought they might be about to stretch it a bit too

"Fun episode, even if the 'malaise' slowed things down a bit."

I was moved to tears by this scene because I felt like finally someone so eloquently put words to a feeling I struggle with daily. My issue is not sobriety—I live with bipolar disorder—but some days the thought of how many more years of dealing with the day-in-day-out mundanity (word? if not, it should be) of life is

I love this line so much I actually put it on a T-shirt. When I wear it people think it's funny even though no one has any idea where it comes from (*sigh*)

Bought it yesterday and got my first listen on my drive home last night. Fell in love immediately!  I am a huge Rufus fan right from the first and I love following how he can reinvent himself with each new work, but this is a return to my favorite style—upbeat and fun, with his lush orchestrations.  It's pop music for