
this may get deleted, but…
I would let Joe Francis do some really grim stuff to me. I mean it, ANYTHING he wants. There, I said it!


Just an awful dull show…

Woody Dolls predated Buzz Lightyear action figures in Toy Story, so I don't really see a problem.

I voice one half of a jive talking love lorn pair of crocs in Uggs On The Run!

As a gigantopotamusly fat woman in rhinestone encrusted panties once told me, "Not everyone wants to see this, but everyone NEEDS to see this."

Quick Question
Honestly, how many people who defended this movie's awful dialouge in these comments have mercilessly attacked Juno's dialouge? Just curious.

That's why I steer clear of the whole underwear thing all together. I do not need THREE corneal cuts!

Tripe and drivel.
Neither booze or shrooms made this movie palatable to me.

Those Shoes!
I want shoes that will send out magical sparkly bursts of day-glo colors, just like in the video! So if anybody has a pair (size 10 Wide) could you list them on ebay or something.

I knew my comment would be published, because it is so positive. If "The Secret" has taught me anything, it is some bullshit about being positive. Oh, happy day!


The phrase "SURPRISE MUFFIN!" delights me to no end.

I found out about Jonathan Brandis earlier this year and for reasons I can't quite understand, I was devastated.

Don't tease me…

I think George is sexy, no joke.

I could not possibly agree more!