That's the way I'm leaning as well. HR was the only one in the dark 2024 timeline whose life wasn't a complete mess because of Savitar, in fact he was thriving.
That's the way I'm leaning as well. HR was the only one in the dark 2024 timeline whose life wasn't a complete mess because of Savitar, in fact he was thriving.
I don't get the hate for Teen Titans Go, both myself and my kid love it. He's 7, I'm 40. We both think it's hilarious.
I thought Martin Freeman's was a metric fucktonne better than the ones in this episode. I'm sure they'll improve as the season goes on. I'm definitely not a fan of having McGregor play both brothers either. The dumpy hairless brother's hair and makeup looks really fake.
Most of the accents were not very well done in this episode, they sounded very put on, Ewan McGregor's brothers especially. I'm sure this will be a fine enough season but it didn't wow me like the last two season openers.
Miracle Mile with Anthony Edwards?? That film is AMAZING.
You don't pay out $13million and then fire the guy if the claims are unfounded. Fuck off O'Reilly you hateful shit smear.
Ra's Al Ghul is a title, right? It's Arabic for Demon's Head. His daughters using it as their surname is a bit weird. I guess that makes her Talia Head.
They're just not gonna mention her ever again are they 😂
There's too many main characters on this show, every scene has 8 people in a room all trying to get a line in, the camera constantly swirling around to get coverage. That's why Dig has been relegated to a baby sitting job and why Thea is just gone. They have nothing else for them to do, the story doesn't really…
I'm in the same boat at you. All 3 of these shows are just plain terrible almost every week. A few fun episodes here and there keep me coming back but for the most part I have no idea why I'm still watching. I really hope things pick up, this show went from the best of the three to the worst :(
They'll never tone down the relationship drama sadly. It's on the CW for one, plus they have 20 odd episodes to fill. Take out the pointless melodrama and you only have like, 5 episodes.
On a show about the fastest man alive I end up having to watch the ages old trope of waiting for elevator doors to close over tense music twice in one episode 😑
I'm genuinely amazed at how tone deaf WWE are regarding Reigns. I know he has some fans but for the most part he's universally hated and it's not entirely his fault. They're trying too hard to get him over, it's feels disingenuous and no matter what old legend they wheel out to sell Reigns as a new wrestling Jesus, it…
I mentioned this a few episodes ago. There seems to have been a massive slashing of budget and production quality across the board. Less zombies, poor CGI, use of the same locations over and over. I think the showrunners are smelling the end and wanna make as much dollar as they can by skimping on the budgets.
I didn't catch The Wire when it was on and have also tried to watch it at least three times. The episode where the two detectives say fuck a whole lot was interesting but for the most part I lost interest really quickly, the show seemed really dated when I saw it. I guess our technology moves forward in the last few…
I saw Gal Gadot recently in Keeping Up With The Joneses (throwaway comedy with Zack Galafinakis and John Hamm) and she was pretty awful. The movie wasted no time in creating a scene in which for her to wear a bunch of black lacey underwear, which while nice eye candy, blatantly showed why she is where she is, because…
No excitement for this. The trailer is a nice minute and a bit pop of cool Wonder Woman footage and to be honest that´s about enough for me anyway. Everything else about this movie looks done before by other movies, superhero and otherwise.
I didn't think all that much of this episode either. C+ is about where it should be. Some of the gags landed, some not so much. Tudyk and Funches continue to be excellent but the show feels a little stale to me already. Can't see this show lasting out the season at this rate. Shame.
Almost the entire run of this show they've been positioning Dennis as a selfish uncaring sociopath, possible psychopath. To have the character do an about face and decide to disappear to North Dakota to be a father is absurd. Even for this show. If the next season starts with them all in the bar laughing about…
I'm pretty close to done with this season to be honest. Same with LoT and Arrow, I'm only really skimming most episodes while I play with my phone. Arrow has had a good few episodes that grab me and don't let go until the end of the episode, LoT and Flash maybe a couple (this season). But for the most part I'm just…