
Savitar, an almost god like being that has been around for a very long time and has been trapped in the speed force for a very long time using the serialized TV show phrase "big bad" is pretty ridiculous. How would a being like that know fanboy vernacular?

OK. What you just wrote does not negate the fact that Trump is a racist. I'm not uncaring to the fact that pedophilia is rampant in Hollywood. I never once disagreed with what you said. But for the third time, nothing you have said negates that fact that Trump is a racist. In fact, the whole point of the article was

All of those things you mentioned do not negate the fact that Trump is a racist.

So this doesn't have Shaq in it then?

Have we passed peak DCCW? Arrow S2/The Flash S1 was probably the pinnacle of what these shows could achieve (so far at least), they set the bar and none of these shows have managed to hit that level of quality again. The producers of the show are now writing the show, just like TWD has SFX guys directing and the

Jackie Chan: dodging punches and taxes for decades.

Anyone know how this show is doing? Are people watching it? I really hope it sticks around because I think it's pretty great.

This show feels like the Hannibal of superhero shows.

I've never been so eager to see a man gets his hands on his balls.

These are the kinds of ideas they should be having for little bottle episodes instead of the filler we do get.

I like the look of it but I don't know how much use I'd get out of it. I'm a casual gamer at best. I wouldn't take a $300 anything out of the house unless I had to so I won't be using the portable side all that much. I'll probably do what I did with the Wii-U, wait until there are plenty of games out, wait until I can

Games will be on cartridges or downloaded via the e shop onto the inbuilt memory which is expandable by SD card. You can't play wii-u games as there is no disc drive. They are revamping a bunch of wii-u titles for Switch tho I doubt they'll drop the price from $60.

B is on point for this episode. My dread of having Cupid back so close to Valentine's was unfounded which was refreshing. I worried they'd focus on the Love Day angle and give us another stalled episode but even without a glimpse of Prometheus and Vigilante, there was some solid movement forward :)

This show to me is basically what Overcoming Testicular Cancer is to the narrator from Fight Club. We meet once a week so I can weep uncontrollably into its heaving bitchtits.

I doubt Phoebe Waller-Bridge's character will break the fourth wall with a comically timed 'fucked me up the arse' in this one.

He looks like he's been stung by bees.

This show is so utterly absurd at this point I'm just watching to see how ridiculous it can get. Why are they wearing weird forgettable Star Trek planet outfits, why are they speaking in weird broken English, it's been what, 3 years since the zombie thing happened? They're selling the Mad Max post apocalypse shit a

I don't think so. After the Saviors comes The Whisperers if I remember, I don't remember anything about a junkyard group.

OK I'm wrong on the phrase but the rest of it is sound, no?

I could be very wrong but I always assumed the word meal was supposed to be used in the sense of making meal of something ie grinding it into a mush with the chewing action, that's why we have the phrase "I'll meal it over". I figured over time the word meal became more synonymous with the ritual of "eating a meal"