
Sadly I think it boils to down one important point. Most of DC's characters are just kinda lame and don't deserve a movie. Deadshot is a cool enough concept of a character for the over the top thread bare plots of Suicide Squad books or as a bit player in Batman books but as a standalone character there's barely

This is gonna be Halle Berry Catwoman levels of bad.

Suicide Squad has very few redeeming qualities. Will Smith isn't one of them.

Nah the show is definitely right up my alley. I enjoy almost everything else about the show truth be told. I just think the show would be better served by losing the time travel aspect.

Gung Ho and Pacific Heights are his best for me.

I agree having all of time and space as a palate to draw from is great for the writers but as the reviewer said and I agree, they aren't doing the best job of it, they don't spend much time in a particular time period for anything to be other than a surface glance at the stereotypes and generic blah you'd find in that

I disagree. I don't think it's an unreasonable criticism to say their time travel plots a bad, the best part about this show is the team dynamic and how the characters play off of each other, you can transplant that to any other scenario and it'll work better than it does now. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy this

I'm getting the distinct impression all Ray does is destroy stuff. His suit, Cap Cold's gun, the entire top 7 floors of a downtown skyscraper.

I don't think the reviewer dislikes the show, I think he's just saying it as it is. It can be silly and goofy and still not have really bad plot holes or ridiculous plot armor for characters, the writing could be a lot better, the budgetary concerns of a time travel show etc. You can't ignore bad acting, miscast

The irony of two characters written so they have to stay together being written apart to save them dollaz.

Time travel is the central premise but it doesn't have to be. The team dynamics would work just the same if they lost the flying around time part. They do a really bad job with it anyway. This show has already cut a bunch of dead weight like Rip (though he's back now) and the Hawk-Dorks, I think a good story set in

Legions or legends?

Putting a jobber actor like that in a role that De Niro made famous in a scene with the mighty Neal McDonagh only made it look worse.

And the world's worst Al Capone impression goes to…

I grew up in the martial arts and spent a lot of time training with people involved in Aikido (Seagal's martial art of choice). Whilst I've seen plenty of instructors and students use very practical and effective techniques, there exists a large contingent of Aikido instructors who love having their students run at


Yeah my bad, I speed read your comment and completely missed that you already mentioned Godfather haha

It's actually called that in the comics? Hahaha oh man that's a hilarious coincidence. It just seemed like a really heavy handed reference to Felton's Potter past.

Also, Savitar blatantly looks like a crappy Galvatron, having Julian spout 'One shall stand, one shall fall' almost word for word didn't help haha