
I get why Cisco would be pissed about finding out his brother dies in this time line and lived in the other, that makes sense but Dig would have absolutely no knowledge of ever having a different child, all he would ever have known was a girl. I'm not sure I would feel anger if someone told me my son was a girl in

I was actually surprised at how much they stuffed into the episode with it being a complete mess, it was a Rollercoaster episode for sure. They managed to give almost everybody some screen time of worth. Pretty well done really.

They're ridiculously silly. You've either got to embrace it and love its shlocky nature or you'll end busting a blood vessel in your eye from nerdrage and everyone will look at you weird. The characters you love are still there in the books, these are subpar in many ways but it beats watching Big Bang Theory or some

For me this was the worst episode of this show yet. Just a boring blah hour of nope.

Yeah I agree. Diggle, Lance and to a lesser extent, Thea. All superfluous to the plot this season, they could just not feature any of them for the rest of the season and it wouldn't matter.

I'm pretty sure we're visiting the wild west again because it's cheap. They're stretching budgets as far as they can so they can spend more on the crossover specials most likely. Thought this was a painfully average episode to be honest.

It looks like a really shit ripoff of Crowbar's Odd Fellow's Rest. Even Crowbar themselves made a joke about it looking really similar on their fb page.

I won't watch this for the same reasons I can't watch Nil By Mouth starring Ray Winstone again, I grew up in awful council estates in Barking, East London surrounded by people just like that movie shows. Doesn't make it easier that I now live in New Bedford MA :(


That would be a killer swerve and a great answer to why they shut the character down just as she was gaining traction and fan respect but alas I think you're being cleverer than Arrow's writers. Prometheus will probably end up being Dolph Lundgren.

I think this season is much better, more ensemble scenes mean we don't have to have as much syrupy relationship melodrama between characters, the fight scenes are better and a little more imaginative than the 'waving arms and legs capoering' from the last two seasons, plus we've gotten at least three cool trick arrow

I guess having Lance in rehab is a way to write his character out for a while? He's kind of redundant to the overall story.

I'm starting not to care for Curtis because of his overall uselessness. Give him the bloody floaty balls and have done with it. It's not like it'll cost a fortune to CGI in some balls. No I will not rephrase.

I think it was just a really clunky nod to the character's Jewish background. Made no sense to mention it there at all but hamfist in it they did.

I enjoyed it when I saw it and will probably never watch it again.